w e l c o m e & h a v e f u n

w e l c o m e  &  h a v e f u n
Please do comments, critics, or give your perspective on my artworks to help me improving my skill. Also feel free to visit my Flickr gallery for more artworks. tQ



August 13, 2008


My first time blogging... Pheww! At last I have a platform to share my experience and point of view in Art and Design, generally. Thus, I can show off my 'not-so-great' artworks and perhaps can learn more from you guys, so please don't hesitate to share your comments and ideas even your criticise but c'mon-- (kritikan yang membina lah, Dude!)..Ok, I hope you guys can enjoy on my artwork presentation. Arigatou~~


rayneholde said...

huhu- nice, tapi better gak hg start DA nyer gallery as well, leh wat duit :3

anyway aku tgh away skang so tak dapat nak drop some comments yet, bila aku dah setel ngan 'nerakadesign' aku nnt aku be sure lepak sini cam rumah aku sendiri. but better hg sumbat chatbox seketul leh le aku spam :3

and feel free to drop by mine as well -> http://ophanium.blogspot.com/

tadak pape yg menarik selain review budget ngan brg2 marbahaya :3

Hafiz Asrun said...

t Q for your advise, dude..DA gallery masih dlm pembikinan..

fufufufufuu...kasi haplod hentai lebih2 sket laa dude..meriah sket folder hentai haku nanti..muhahahaha..

rayneholde said...

haha hentai kena tunggu lepas pose, kang tak pasal petir panah aku.